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whats the weather like where you are?

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gina32 | 13:49 Sun 29th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
its been showering all morning but now its gone dark and pouring down, guess summer was last week!


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Cool with intermittent showers here. Think a duvet day is called for!
gloomy start, brightened up, then the showers started.
Normal for the West of Scotland :-D
storms cleared, sky grey, showers, and a lot cooler, time to put my shorts away till next year.
a lot of people did nothing but moan about the warm weather last week, Im sure they will be delighted to see the wet weather returning :)
Rain, then sun, then rain, then thunder, then rain, sun, rain, sun and so on...........................................
North Norfolk
not me cazzzz..I hate this weather..sooo's got to be hot hot, even

I hibernate in winter before anyone asks!! x
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Autumnal in Edinburgh
Hi Everhelpful,I,m just outside Sunderland.Rain has stopped now and we have some clear sky and sunshine.Hope it stays like this.
It's been thundering, lightening and chucking it down in South London.
Good job I popped out before lunch time.
Threatening (Glasgow)
Could have been worse here on the North Yorkshire coast. Got the washing in dry and did the dog walking before the heavy showers started. Looks like its getting fine again for a run out on the beach

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