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Static clothes

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Sheenamf | 12:17 Mon 30th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Just bought a new frock and it's clinging to my legs. No time to wash or anything else so I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestion for a quick solution, something spray on perhaps
Sorry if this is in the wrong section but where else?


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rb it with a soft micorfibre cloth or something slighty damp. i find a baby wipe does the trick lol
hair conditioner on your legs rubbed in well so its not tacky should stop the static
Do you have a fabric softener tumble drier sheet? Just wipe it over the inside of the dress. Also works wonders for fly-away static hair, that works brilliantly!
spray the inside of the dress with hairspray!
Ann, does that really work on hair?
Spritz with water.
Lenor tumble dry sheet rub over inside of the fabric - should help remove the static
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Thank you everyone, I shall try these ideas out and see which works best. I had thought of spraying my legs with hairspray as well, but could be a bit sticky. I will report back!
Yes Naomi - try it! It really works so well on fly away hair its amazing!
I'm amazed. Thanks Ann.

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Static clothes

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