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firewatch | 22:09 Mon 30th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
My child cannot be comfy sharing her bed with half a tool kit she has hoarded!
Does anyone elses child sleep with something or is it just minni moo?


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Lol, buy her some toys FW, little minx how did she get them into her bed?
I hope there are no sharp edges in there with her............
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no luckily its just sockets sets and crv parts she horded, must of done it saturday when my back was turned, she has one of the torq tool boxes in there calling it a pirate chest. she has loads of toys in her bed too so dont know why she hoards tools!
I know a boy who keeps his entire collection of books under his duvet!!
I think that many women have at least 50 books there ...
my grandson would sleep with everything inc metal cars if he could!

cath x
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lol, she is such a daft muffin just popped in to check her and she has added a toothbrush a bottle tops to the collection!
how old is she ? my son when young had a pet snake that slept with him and I would not let him out of the house until he showed me that "Horace" was shut away in his box, I was terrified to go in the room.One day Horace escaped and we never did find him !spent some sleepless nights then.
my youngest has about half a centimetre to sleep on after stuffing her bed with everything and anything she can find

My eldest used to sleep in her fleece dressing gown all year round
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Shes two and would have the dog in with her if i let her!

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