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Worlds maddest job interview

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sherrardk | 23:40 Tue 31st Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Fascinating - you should watch it. Really makes you think about what you THINK!


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Watch what?
I watched it.
I forgot
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It was really interesting - abut 10 people went through a 'fake' interview process and the employers (two bigwigs and a close who has a cafe) and to docs had to work out who had had mental health issues - really interesting.
Go on - let me in on the secret - what are you talking about?
(ends sentence with a preposition - slapped wrist)
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Bloke ^ not close
Don't call us.....
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It was a tv programme on four (maybe five) called the world's maddest job interview.
and how does a close have a cafe?
Each night last week, Channel 4 had a programme regarding mental health issues. They were all very good and informative.
OK got it thanks ...

I'll watch it now.

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Worlds maddest job interview

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