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Blooming cold callers

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albaqwerty | 15:38 Wed 01st Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Wish they would stop thumping my front door.
Told him he was in a no-cold-calling area. His reply? 'Ye huvvny a sticker in yer windy'
(You haven't a sticker in your window)
I told him I wasn't defacing my window for him or any of his ilk.


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Offering to share your love of Jesus, combined with a very wide grin and staring eyes, can act like a charm.
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LOL I'm daft enough to give that a try!!!
Thanks Mosaic x
It's the phone calls that get me, usually when your having dinner - solar panels, loft insulation etc!!
The ones on the phone can listen to radio 4. They don't seem to like it much though.
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If I'm eating my dinner and the phone goes, it can wait. If it's urgent, they'll phone back. The phone is there for my convenience, not theirs.
I do normally pick it up but if no one answers straight away I hang up
we had a cold phone caller last week,
Her:can i talk mr adam -
Me no
Her why, is he not available?
Me He has his head in an engine and cant get out easily
phone went dead
someone has just rung..let it go to the answerphone..they hung up as usual.

I look out the window first, when they are walking away, then decide whether
or not to open the door...sorry, I was on the loo!!
On all fairness, how can you expect people to know you don't want to be disturbed inless you leave a note? Surely defacing your window is preferable to the bother of having to go to the door?
The most annoying: ''Hello sir, sorry to trouble you . . .''

Eh. They are sorry, yet they still do it?

If its a ''no cold calling zone' you shouldne need a sticker. Love the 'subtitles'. I call out 'Do I know you cos if I shut all these dogs up to open this door and you are selling something I wont be a happy bunny' or words to that effect.
last summer i was in the garden minding my own business when a bloke from scottish power came over and asked where i got my energy from , i told him i go to the gym !! his reply " no who supplies your energy" my reply was the national grid he walked off calling me a stupid bitch ! a very charming young man
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When they ring me I tell them I am very busy but will call them back later that night and ask for their home number. It usually gives them the message.

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