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Went into Twitter again, 4th visit in 4 years,

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dotty. | 07:29 Thu 02nd Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
still makes no sense, can't see anything happening, what is it meant to be?


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don't worry, dotty. it's a load of old hooey x
It'll never catch on
As a source of up-to-the-minute info it can't be beaten, you'll find out what's happening before any of the regular websites or other media provide the same info. And not just major news stories - a couple of months ago the phone I had ordered was delayed and all the regular sources of info gave no indication of when it would become available; using Twitter I was able to find out when I could expect to receive it.
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nope, can't work it out, is the name before the @ the person posting the message?
like most websites, going to the help gives you the info you need https://support.twitt...the-twitter-glossary#
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tut, I never do that lol
I've tried it dotty and I just can't get my head round it. I need a lesson!

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Went into Twitter again, 4th visit in 4 years,

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