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cancer repeats again

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Connemmara | 11:14 Thu 02nd Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I know I just should have put this on another site. My friend has been going through more and more treatments for lymphoma cancer and after this was finished went through quite big heart operation. But instead of saying to her nothing could be done they have said more treatment needs to be done but has to be done it in a different way because of her heart. IS THERE HOPE HERE.?


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i would think if medical staff are offering more treatment, there may be a chance of success , best wishes to her .
A bit difficult to answer as i have no idea what kind of lymphoma we are dealing with, what stage it is in and what treatment your friend has already had.

Without that information, then i agree with anne.
I agree too, they wouldn't be offering more treatment where there was no hope.
All the best to your friend.
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thanks everybody - it is such a worrying time. I thought the same too.

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cancer repeats again

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