While I was away, a neighbour has been round onto my land where my garage is, and put up brackets on this side of the fence, so his vine can grow along on the twine he has stretched along. The vine is a huge chinese vegetable which has reached the floor on my side. I have cut the twine, and he has replaced it again. Any suggestions please?
He can't come on your land or put brackets on your side without your permission - but..... if his plants are coming over on your side, you are within your rights to cut off the parts coming onto your land, but you must give them back to him. Vandalising his twine isn't a good idea, but you are quite entitled to cut off the encroaching plants or trees. It's still his plant though, which is why you must give back the cut off bits.
Hi Boxtops,
The fence is six foot high and is in line with all the other neighbours fences. The section at the end of his garden does belong to him, but the brackets jut out about a foot, right where I drive my car into the garage. I was willing to ignore the plant but not this contraption. He is chinese and pretends not to understand, but he does really.
if he's put anything on your side of the fence take it down. then chop all his plant bits on your side and chuck it over the fence. and keep doing it. he might get the message then - but do it now....
Although you are entitled to cut back any overgrowth on your side of the boundry you cannot just give him back the clippings. You have to offer them back and if he says he doesn't want them you then have to dispose of them.
Like wise any works you have done to your neighbours overgrowth is at your own expence and generaly can't be claimed back.
As for the brackets write to him saying that the intrusion into your garden is unacceptable and that you want it removed otherwise you will class it as an illegal trespass as is his coming onto your land to put them up. Suggest that perhaps to aleiviate the problem he should put the brackets on his side.