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B00 | 20:27 Sat 04th Aug 2012 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
Cats in sinks!

Of course ;-)

An as for why, well, why not?


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Ours are indoor cats too, Boo (poetry forsooth) and it beats me how in the name of the wee man they can manage to disappear within the confines of the house! We lost Molly for hours (see avatar that's her) and combed the house, we found her eventually under the bookcase - where we'd already looked as it was always a favourite hiding place of hers. I think Scotty used...
20:38 Sat 04th Aug 2012
oh lovely.

i liked the stripey one that was curled up asleep
Cats in sinks? Fine, but can they turn on the tap? Our Max can.

Nice pics though
Almost there, we're almost there
very cute!!!
oops sorry, lovely cats
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I found mine in the pan cupboard earlier. That's after i'd spent 20 minutes wandering the streets in PJ's, rattling her food box. She's a house cat and I was worried to death. She on the other hand was bristling with fury that id dared to shut her away from the food i was rattling outside!
Boy am I tempted to say something about clean ***, but I won't of course lol.
Ours are indoor cats too, Boo (poetry forsooth) and it beats me how in the name of the wee man they can manage to disappear within the confines of the house! We lost Molly for hours (see avatar that's her) and combed the house, we found her eventually under the bookcase - where we'd already looked as it was always a favourite hiding place of hers. I think Scotty used to beam them somewhere...........

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