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Large Choccy Cake in Fridge

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albaqwerty | 15:32 Sat 04th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Would it mean mean of me to taste it before I put the birthday candles in it?

I mean, just purely to make sure it is chocolatey enough?


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Take a layer off the bottom - who'll know?
............and if it isn't, what will you do then?
Question Author
Good idea Tilly (or should I say Fliss ☺)
If it's not choccy enough, I won't have any :-)
oh, go on --- you know you want to.
i would, and i wish i was there
Take out cores with an apple corer then fill holes with fat candles. x
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I wish I could gness, it's a giant fat swiss roll shaped thingy (I know he likes them a lot so ordered an overloaded one from the bakers. They are good)
It looks like an end is going to be sacrificed.
Cut both ends off, so it looks even.
I still say take a slice off the bottom - at least it'll sit flat...
Eat half now and put the other half infront of a mirror
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oooh I like your thinking!! It would fit in width-wise then instead of at an angle and on a slope and I could then get a rack put back in.
(Yep, it's kinda big)
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at this rate, I should have ordered 3, one for us and two for you lot to share/fight over :-D
How long will this be tempting you? When's the birthday party?
Happy Birthday, Alba.
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it's been tempting me since I brought it home at 11.
Party 7-ish.
Blooming thing has been whispering to me since 2 pm so I thought I'd share my pain.

B00 and Fluff aren't around are they?
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lol DT, it's the older alba's :-D
leave it alone Alba otherwise you will be full of remorse tomorrow---- you will wont you ???? Dee

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