1D, person who is prominent in "fashionable circles", (9) ?o??a????.
2D, Not as nice, not as generous, (6), ?e?r?r.
16D, Allergic rhinitis experienced by many in Spring and Summer, (3,5) ??y?????.
15A, Waste away, (7) ???o???.
23A, Dubious, shady, disreputable, (6) ?o?c??.
25A, Rarest, least abundant, (8) ?c?r???t.
Not meaning to be rude, but these are the basis of the crossword. Why don't you try and answer one or two yourself, for example rhinitis is to do with the nose. A lot of people suffer particularly in the Summer with streaming eyes and runny noses or --y fever. Got it? Have fun.