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Handy tip of the day

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mrs_overall | 18:22 Sun 05th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
When you are in the shower and feel a huge yawn coming on, even though no one else is present you may automatically put your hand over your mouth. This is not a good idea if you are clutching a bottle of Vosene. Three hours later I can't get the taste out of my mouth.


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Oh my gawd, gness please say you didn't.
Tip - If you are going to bury someone in concrete, make sure you have enough of it, unless you need somewhere to park the bicycle.
I did Tony....just before OH died and it truly was an accident. I was cutting off his pyjama sleeve and thought it was just a thick seam. It was his feeding tube. :-(
true tony....I was deciding do I or not..would have felt guilty licking the cream
off of my fingers! Neighbour thought I was mad when I knocked on and said
you have a cake on your roof! lol
Hope you repaired it gness.
chi chi, I would have ate it.
Handy tip of the day.

Never support a team that plays in claret and blue.
Repair it??? And miss the look of disbelief on the faces of the staff?
The Lorena Cuttit of Ward 101......
Tip # ? Never stand the hairspray in the blue tin next to the spray fabric glue in the blue tin.
Tip, never support a team that plays in Blue and White, who are having their last season in the Prem.
Tip # ? Never tell a child she must stay on after school to finish her work, leave her in your room, make coffee, chat with colleagues, get in your car and drive all the way home before......Aaaaaargh!
Wigan, Tony?

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Handy tip of the day

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