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Dutch translation please

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Marijn | 20:20 Sun 05th Aug 2012 | Word Origins
10 Answers
Please could someone translate the ingredients for the "Zoethout met Oolong thee" I bought....
81% Zoethout 18% thee
Bevat zoethout. Mensen met een hoge bloeddruk dienen overmatig gebruik te vermijden


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Contains liquorice. People with high blood pressure should avoid excessive use
81% Liquorice 18% Tea
Contains liquorice. People with hypertension should avoid excessive usage
Question Author
thank you very much. can you tell me what this means. . .Zacht & zoet. . . and this. . .Zoethout oolong is een combinatie van Chinese oolong thee en zoethoutwortel. De wortel van de zoethoutplant staat bekend ais smaakmaker. De thee kenmerkt zich door haar warme, zacht zoete smaak.
Liquorice oolong is a combination of Chinese oolong tea and zoethoutwortel. The root of the zoethoutplant known ais appetiser. The tea is characterized by its warm, soft sweet taste.
soft and light for Zacht & zoet.

and Licorice is a combination of Chinese oolong oolong tea and licorice root. The root of the liquorice plant is known as seasoning. The tea is characterized by its warm, soft, sweet taste for the sentence

It's easily translated - just C&P the text into google search and it will either do it automatically or give you the option to 'translate this page'
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Thanks very much. I was told Google translation wasn't very accurate that is why I asked on here. Also I wondered if it mentioned if salt or caffeine was in the tea. Does anyone know if Oolong has caffeine in? Thanks again.
I wouldn't trust something like Bablefish but google seems ok

It's about as good as you'll get anyway :)
Its a black tea so I would assume yes- it's a delish tea when mixed with chrysanthenum petals to create Kopo (Koer-Poer) and to drink with Dim Sum.
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Than you Zacs-Master, DTcrosswordfan and OJRead2. I'm absolutely addicted to the tea that I bought in Holland. I was wondering what ingredient was addictive. Having just googled it, it looks like licorice is a common craving. Maybe it's because I have low blood pressure, I don't know. Some of the info was saying licorice could be dangerous so I hope I don't have too much.
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I mean "Thank you"

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Do you know the answer?

Dutch translation please

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