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Tiny black slither creature

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Scarlett | 19:48 Tue 07th Aug 2012 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
I had a tiny black creature on me- like a tiuny black line, around 2mm long and just like a black line you had accidentally drawn on yourself with a thin pen. I went to get it and it flipped itself away. Any idea what it is? I was bitten on my ankle in bed a day or so ago and I wonder whether this thing was the culprit?


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sounds more like a harmless thunder fly.
flea...have you got any pets?
^^ If it was a flea it would have had to have been wearing a pretty heavy disguise :-)
Possibly a flea larvae
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I don't have any pets and live in a first floor flat. Not sure how a flea would have got in?!
Agree with Prudie...sounds like a thunderfly (also known as a thrip).
Sounds rather strange to me!
Do you have any damp in the flat? It sounds a bit like silverfish. Not sure they would bite you though.
Question Author
No damp that I am aware of. I think it looks like a thunder fly but was surprised that it could flip itself so far away- impossible to squash!!
Impossible to squash?? Coo he is 'ard!!

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Tiny black slither creature

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