Daughter on Trimethoprim for U.T.I.for two days. Developed severe loin pain last night,saw pharmacist today for advice on analgesia. He said it was a reaction to her anti-biotics and to stop taking them. He sold us some Cysto-Purin and told her to take them instead and to see her G.P. ASAP. She managed to get a phone consultation with her doctor who told her the pharmacist was wrong and to continue with anti-biotics. Confusing isn't it?
Are you related to the young lady with cystitis? The advice to her was get to the doctors, and she found the infection had gone to her kidneys. apparently Trimethoprim is not as successful now. Don't mess about kidneys are important. have you got a walk in centre near you?
Not sure why you headed this allergy? some people do have an adverse reaction to some antibiotics, but is also possible that they are not working and need another type.
No relation to lady with cystitis. My daughter has an appointment with her own G.P. tomorrow morning. It was an out of hours doctor she saw for original diagnosis.
I`m no expert but I don`t really know what you mean by loin pain. Where is it exactly? Front, back, left, right side? I can`t think that loin pain would be a reaction to antibiotics. I suppose it could mean that her situation has progressed to a kidney infection. I`m not a fan of Trimethoprim (I got terrible thrush from that stuff even the GP told me that it wasn`t a side effect). Best for her to keep taking it though. Personally, I would listen to the GP rather than a pharmacist.
No, it isn't confusing at all.....I agree with her GP.
There is a modern trend, particularly in many ABers to confuse diagnosis with dispensing. Doctors diagnose and pharmacists dispense....quite a simple concept really.