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Very childish, but I did laugh

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Duncer | 16:11 Thu 09th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Something that I found by accident while watching Mr Feck, the feckless German diver. Media URL:


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No that is funny!! :)
I like it.
I liked it.... but, where was Tattybojangles in all of that?
lol ... very good

Something that I found by accident while watching Mr Feck

lol .... of course you did.
Question Author
It's true.

In between going to church, helping old ladies across the road and general altruistic works........
and Auditing whilst eating wotsits ..... ?
It reminds me of this thread from history

-- answer removed --
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Stae = state.
For Funks Sake ... don't post on this thread anymore .... don't want to draw attention ..
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I'm hearing you brother........
Never mind boobs; this is my all-time favourite thread:

Panic button...awwww, I miss him. He posted the best thread ever and that was explaining the off side rule to the girlies :-)
I'd forgotten society who's on that thread, what happened to them?
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In a similar vein, my daughter came down from her bedroom where she had been watching telly and asked me "Dad, what's love juice".

As she was about eleven at the time I sat down and explained, as tactfully as I could, all about the birds and bees. She seemed satisfied by my explanations and was just heading back to bed when I asked "Darling, why did you want to know?"

"Because I was watching Wimbledon".
I thought it was good but also thought it should be in 'Jokes'


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Very childish, but I did laugh

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