can, but masma was asking a question for people who obviously watch it to join in and although i get your point i get masmas too because people continually jump on and say "switch off: rubbish:" etc etc... Its a bit annoying i world- i hate AB police so comment as & when you all please...hah xx
To answer your question- no its on at 9or10pm then the follow up prog is on after for an hour! Bliss! X
tinkerbell . . . When I said: Is it true that they are putting that rubbish on at 3AM? I knew they weren't but just joked that perhaps they should. Phew!
Eyethenkyou, You know very well the point I was making,, the written word can be very upsetting and very damaging for many people, saying it is just pixels is rather naive and silly!
All sorts of sickos and thickos are attracted by the anonymity of the internet, and if you're going to allow yourself to be upset by their immature rantings then perhaps you are too sensitive to indulge in the medium - it's a sad state of affairs I know, but true.