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Connect DVD recorder to TV

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porkchop | 09:51 Sun 12th Aug 2012 | How it Works
5 Answers
Any advice on where a complete beginner can get information on how to connect a DVD recorder to correct TV channel for recording. What are the two white lines against a black background.


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I think you need to tune it in
...and an instruction manual is a good place to start. If there isn't one, you'll probably need one, sooner or later.
You may find your answer in this somewhere:-
your recorder will have to be of the digital variety if you have been switched ovver !!!
I would also add (in case it helps!) that my setup is like this:-
Using the actual TV remote control, select SOURCES
On mine I get:- TV = Freeview progs
HDMI 1 = Progs via Virgin box
HDMI 2 = DVD recorder connected.

Now, using DVD remote control, select INPUT
I get:- DVB = Freeview Progs via DVD player
AV 1 = Progs from Virgin box via Scart connection to DVD

The AV 1 programs from Virgin can now be recorded on the DVD Recorder.

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Connect DVD recorder to TV

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