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Come On, Are You Serious?

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joggerjayne | 12:23 Tue 14th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
A pal has hitched up with a new BF while I've been away.

And then she drops the bombshell ... he's a vegetarian!

This is the last of my pals whom I'd have expected to go out with a veggie.

She must've been hanging around up in Kemp Town, or something.

So now ... buy a veggie cook book and have them over for supper? or just go out for dinner.

Maybe easier to go out. There's a veggie restaurant on the corner opposite The Black Lion.


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triggy and redman ...

Yep, I did all the "hope he still eats THAT" gags with her.

I think she's been getting that a lot.

The gags, I mean.
Im' still fighting the white wine and Lasagne bit.....a cheeky chianti at worst JJ at best a nice Barolo....;0)
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I know, I know ... I'm sorry, Slappy.

It's just that they each have "lunch time" written all over them ... bottle of white ... lasagne and salad ...


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Come On, Are You Serious?

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