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Did We Take To Wenlock ?

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joggerjayne | 15:02 Wed 15th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Did we?

LOCOG say that he became really popular.

Personally, I think it was stupid.

Has anyone bought a Wenlock soft toy? key ring? fridge magnet? etc ...


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Only saw him/it twice on the TV, before the opening ceremony I think. Weird looking critter.
Haven't bought anything to do with him/it. I've no idea if anything like that is on sale in my area, will have a look tomorrow just out of curiosity.
I didn't see eye to eye with him!
Since when has a cyclops been cute? Having said that I was surprised by the number of shoppers putting them in their basket in Waitrose. I did not buy one.

Pride, the Team GB lion mascot is definitely worth a punt.
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When I was at the Dressage, there were lots of Wenlock souvenirs on sale, but I didn't see anyone buy one.
Eye couldn't see the point of him ;)
I didn't buy anything associated with him.
I know tons of kids that have got little Wenlock and Mandeville toys. What adult would buy that sort of thing anyway? I like Mandeville, but only because I live near it's name sake.
Nah....horrid little thing.
Who Wenlock?
We do have a Wenlock Terrace in York, but I don't think it's anything to do with that...........thing.
Do you actually remember any of the past mascots though? - they're always rubbish

Well apart from Misha?
nah too expensive
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He has given a whole new meaning to the phrase ... "Mr One Eye" !

(is it too early to say that??)


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