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Squad, yes, slack terms on my part, as you say proximal phalanx. Late, a bit shocked and very tired when I posted, sorry.
The finger is completely, though cleanly, broken through in a transverse v shape above the first knuckle, so just attached by the tendons and quite limited healing of the bone since the break at the moment. Didn't require any manipulation to reset, residual pain at the moment is probably down to the examination though it hurts more than before. Circulation is fine and no pins and needles either.
It was set in a gutter cast yesterday (in the Edinborough setting I think they said), initially for three weeks, buddy plastered to the ring finger. It simply feels like the cast is holding the buddy tighter than the broken finger, hence doesn't feel *right*.
Although, since I have no comparative experience, I accept it might just be a calm down dear moment. I may join Mike in an arnica and ice at some point - recognising your kind attention, in a ladies glass of course ;-). Thank you.