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Bottled water? Only fools and horses

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hc4361 | 23:41 Fri 17th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Best laugh I've had in a long time


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I never understood why people buy water when it is freely available from the tap. Good luck to the supermarkets if they can get idiots to part with their cash for such things.
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I agree with you, SB.

Tap water that has been chilled in the fridge is fab for drinking.
This has awakened long-forgotten memories of my time in the USSR in 1974. Every so often along the boulevards you would find a machine which dispensed fizzy water (which we nicknamed gazzies from the Russian term). One kopeck (worth roughly a twentieth of one penny) would get you a glass of sparkling water, whilst for three kopecks you could have a lemon flavoured one. This had to be drunk from the government-issued glass provided, secured to the fountain by a chain. The protocol was that after drinking you then washed the glass on what looked like an upside-down mini jacuzzi, ready for the next customer.
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Mike, you've reminded of the water fountains that were on many high streets and in public places such as parks when I was a child.
I love the bit when Denzel and co were waving to Del boy and they had yellow hands.
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There is nothing as funny as real life
Although seriously dated now, in the the early 80s it was at the cutting edge of comedy, and so realistic. Del Boy, in full Yuppie regalia of red braces and filofax, is an all-time classic.
While I would never buy plain bottled water for home I do sometimes buy bottles of cold water when I am out.

However there are do-gooders out there who push for bans on the sale of water and claim that making people drink tap water instead will save the environment.

They never mention where we are to find these taps. Hand basins in public toilets? Service station driveways where they have been used for god-knows-what.

Then there is the fact that it is a cold drink. Effectively they seek to remove the choice to drink plain water forcing me to buy the plain water with sugar, colours and flavours added.

This nutritionally questionable option comes in the same environmentally questionable bottles as the plain water. It costs more and when I have to give it to my granddaughter because there is no plain water it will help ensure she develops a taste for the corporate flagship drinks instead.
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It may be a bit dated, but nothing's really changed. Today's DelBoy would be flogging his dodgy gear on eBay, importing fakes from China and smuggling a camcorder in to the cinema.
Grandad would be claiming DLA, Rodney would get carer's allowance for looking after him and Del would be using his blue badge to park outside the post office when he posts his eBay goodies.
Damien would be illegally downloading films and music to his iPod and trying to blackmail his teachers by filming them smoking or smooching in the car park.
Raquel would be phoning people up purporting to be from Microsoft and offering to fix their pc for a fee. Or working on a telephone sex line.
While I certainly wouldn't dream of banning the selling of bottled water, I do question the sanity of anyone who buys it given that the same stuff is available for next to nothing out of a tap.

When we go on trips out, we make sure we have a 2 litre bottle of pop that we have finished with and fill it up with tap water before we leave the house.
spot on hc4361the modern day Trotters would be doing exactly that! I know because I stand behind them in the post office queue, first they draw their benefit money and then they have about 20 parcels to post and I have to stand and wait. Ebay has a lot to answer for !
heard this on the news, surely not...

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Bottled water? Only fools and horses

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