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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:07 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
It's Saturday and the sun is coming over the hilltop. It going to be a Bright, sunny day. It will be good on the canal today! :o}

Have a happy day everyone!


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Good morning. Nice morning so far with beautiful clouds. Do I have another attack on the Ma`s house? Or do I experiment with cocktail recipes?
Morning gness xx
Go with the cocktails hun x Have you put the postie down or chained him at the bottom of the stairs?
No chains needed Alba. Poor chap`s too befuddled to make a run for it.
You've worked your magic!! Get him to taste the cocktails :-)
lovely day here will be mainly sitting in the garden doing v little!
happy birthday wbm xxxxxx
good moprning everyone. hope you all have a good day. weather already described by DT.
Morning Nanny x Sounds nice :-)

Morning LJ xx How did the physio go yesterday?
Happy Birthday WBM have a nice day and lunch out. xxx. Muggy and overcast here so far. Going garden center later. Have a nice day all.
good morning all. and a very happy birthday to WBM all the very best m8 have a great day
hi alba - hope you are well. missed you yesterday.

physio - got some exercises to do. they really make my hand and arm ache. still rubbing in arnica as still swollen and bruised. fingers like purple sausages and arm like a swollen salami. otherwise everything is fine. thanks for asking.
Morning Wendi xx
Morning Bernie xx

LJ, I know the exercises must be painful, please keep at them though. I do hope you recover quickly xx
Morning Alba - hope its keeps sunny gives me an escuse for a lunch time pimms with me sanrnie :-) Hope you have a good day too .
good morning everyone.

hottest day today here (31)

i must go to town later - might go to the pub to cool down.

have a good day everyone.
oh excel - a crowded pub to cool down. uuumm?
what is heat, Lady J? have we seen any this year?.......almost envious, excelsior! The humidity you can keep....
oddly enough - i know that it will not be crowded.

want to join me Lady-Janine?
thank you so much. i'm on my way. not rainng at the moment but did all day yesterday and most of the night.

btw DT trurra was fairly dry yesterday - or was this just luck?
DT - have you managed to check out parking duties yet? maybe it will dry up and you will be able to get some more drawing done.
Happy Birthday wbm, have a great day,
Just got back from the beach with the dogs, it's hot hot hot, all been up to our necks in the bluey/grey stuff, that was NOT so hot, but good fun, lazy day day, apart from pilgrimage to Waitrose sometime later.

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Good morning early birds!

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