Don't know the artist here, but the 'song' itself centres around a real-life phone-in where an American female caller - who is '22 Going On 23' - tells a harrowing tale of sexual abuse. Lots of electronic sounds going on around the voice.......anyone know who the track was by and where I may be able to get a copy?
The track is called "22 going on 23" (!) and it's by the B*tthole Surfers (my asterix), lyrics here:*ttholesurfers/22go ingon23.html
(replace the asterix with the final vowel). It's on the CD "Locust Abortion Technician", Amazon have it in stock @ �9.44, but you might want to confirm the track listing, as they don't have one for the version of the CD at this price. It's listed on the "remastered" and more expensive version, though.