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Spacestation sighting over UK this evening

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wendilla | 18:00 Tue 21st Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Only 1 visible sighting

10 03 pm for 3 mins W departing S


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Hope our weather clears, pretty grey lol and raining here at the mo.
hi wendilla, it's been grey and miserable all day here in Lancashire and an hour or so ago it was coming down like stairrods but now it is brght and sunny and a clear blue sky! if this stays it will be a clear view.
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Been clear all day here. Bit cloudy now but hopefully might clear here in Leics.
Yes , it is dark and chucking it down here at the moment - hope it clears up by then
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Just come over all thick cloud and looks like rain so I don't think there will be a view here tonight. Tomorrows sighting is 9 13pm for 5 mins .

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Spacestation sighting over UK this evening

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