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what you having for breakfast

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slinky.kate | 07:00 Wed 22nd Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
i am feeling a bit hungry,i might make a boiled egg and soldiers


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not yet, but dry cured bacon, fried egg unless is breaks as they seem to do, then it's scrambled, and a toasted muffin, a treat once in a while is nice.
Fruit juice..muesli with fresh fruit..banana/peach and strawberries.....very healthy...what a good boy am I ...;-)
we dont have soldiers in our house we have egg and guards .
I'm in the mood for hard boiled eggs and toast this morning.
Just had two pieces of toast, one with damson jam and one with wild plum jam. My fingers are sticking to the keyboard!
I've just had some fresh pink grapefruit juice whilst chopping up a pineapple which needs eating farily soon now. Think I'll have an oatabix with blueberries and take some of the pineapple in a tub to work with me for mid morning.
4 eggs/bacon/2 pork sausages/mushrooms/2 toasted soda farls/mug of tea
forget mine, I'm off to Beejay's
bring some HP alba(x)-im nearly out of it
see you there alba, but two eggs will be sufficient for me and I dont eat the white bit never have from a child its got no taste.
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i had 2 eggs and toast and tea,it was lovely,i had something decent as i will be out for a while today.
ever had duck eggs ladies?
got a full bottle here, bought yesterday :-D

Agree with you Dee x
Poached egg on toast, fresh raspberries and blueberries with a dollop of greek yoghurt over the top of it. Yummy!
Beej, no, I've heard they are lovely and the yolk is much more golden yellow than chook eggs.
Haven't decided yet - thinking about my essential to life, my black coffee.
alba-theyre stronger /nicer than hen eggs--have had goose eggs too,a meal on their own
G's mum--woudnt like to be cleaning out your cage:-)

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what you having for breakfast

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