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Women of history

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smichelle01 | 01:00 Wed 22nd Aug 2012 | History
12 Answers
Describe the social upheavals involving women at home, at work, in public, in education, as abolitionists and integrationists; from the perspective of the North, South, and West; for blacks and whites.


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Well one thing that changed is that they made children do their own homework
this sounds more like homework, and not even here in Britain, could be mistaken, time to get your books out.
Now, where do I start? ..............
Take each of these areas in turn, think of an example in each and describe the circumstances and the impact
I guess you are in the US from the time of your post and the terminology you're using - this is a UK site (and we don't do homework).
whatever country you're in, that's an enormous topic. You could try asking your teacher if there are any particular facets to be concentrated on; and also the time period it's meant to cover.
This isn't a homework essay, it's a complete four year degree.

What's your science project - 'Develop a provable method of cold nuclear fusion' ?

Do what jno says above.
can't be bothered. describe it yourself.
I don't see any sign of a 'please', or a 'would you mind'.
Well the first thing they did was take away Internet privileges for kid who don't do their own homework
Submit a blank paper headed 'East' - you should get an A+ for that part anyway.

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Women of history

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