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Following on from my recent thread about poisonous eardrops...

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sandyRoe | 10:44 Fri 24th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Have I seen, or was it something I imagined, a film of a woman smoking and 'exhaling' through her ears?


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My aunt used to do this, it's all about opening up the Eustachian tubes - she is 85 now and gave up smoking yonks ago.
There's a song about learning to breath through your ears...
Or breathe even...
Sandy. I can`t believe you`re asking these questions without a plan in mind.
Come on.....spill the beans. :-)
You could probably do it if you had grommets.
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Gness, if I give vent to murderous fantasies here in the safety of AB, I feel theres much less chance I'll ever actually be tempted to carry them out. ;-)

did I mention that the new neighbours are very, very, noisy?
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Grommet's what? And what would Wallace say?
Wasn`t the breathing through your ears song by that Aussie Kevin Bl00dy Wilson?
Ah...I see. Can you access their water supply?
Grommets - tubes put into your eardrums. No way could you blow smoke out through your ears unless you had grommets or punctured ear drums.
Why is Grommet blowing smoke...

never mind
I posted this on the other thread

There are quite a few poisons that are absorbed through the skin so I would have thought that pouring one of these substances into a person's ear canal would cause it to be absorbed into the person's system.

If you are planning on doing anything illegal sandyRoe please scrub your computer memory before the police arrive. ;-)
To access neighbours ears train in Hopi Ear Candling and offer them free sessions.

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Following on from my recent thread about poisonous eardrops...

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