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what a cheek

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Dee Sa | 17:45 Fri 24th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
had a letter from the bank today to tell us that from now on they are going to charge £1 per day if you go into overdraft for amounts up to £2,500 and £2 per day for amounts over that.
Luckily we have only used overdraft facility once in 20 years and we only have the smallest limit there is. But if people need an overdraft they dont need this charge on top to make matters worse.Do they sit there and work out ways to screw more money from their clients ?


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Someone's got to pay for their fat bonuses!
Bank of Scotland
£1 per day up to £1,000
£6 per day over £1,000
I don't see the problem. It's the banks money.
.................and they need it for bonuses.
we are being charged for the balls up they have made, i just knew it would come down to this. If they charge me for the current account will close it.
Best idea is not to have an overdraft.

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what a cheek

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