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Handy Money Saving Tip of the Day

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mrs_overall | 14:51 Sat 25th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
If you are thinking of having lip filler injected, save your money. Simply go for a swim in the North Sea in a swarm of jellyfish, and hey presto, a "trout pout" for free! (This tip is courtesy of my daughter)


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Damn, commoner, I knew that I was doing something wrong in drinking it.
Oh MrsO, does she look like her supermodel mum now ....... hope she's okay xx
poor thing. has she tried vinegar yet?
Did they only sting her mouth?
How is your daughter? I hope the stings have eased
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Starby she was stung on the lips and chin. It was only brief pain and she is back to normal today
that is good to know, mrs_o
thank you for updating us.
Glad it wasn't one of the really nasty jobs we can get in Summer.
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seaddogg, Whitby has a better class of jellyfish than Scarborough ;-)

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