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Children earning pocket money

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hc4361 | 00:44 Mon 27th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Following on from the 'toys' thread, why don't teens no longer want to earn a few quid for mowing lawns or washing cars?
I earned most of my pocket money this way when I was at school, doing oddjobs for neighbours but when I asked my neighbour's lad if he wanted to mow my lawn for a tenner he looked at me as if I was psycho. He's 15 so should be perfectly capable and it would have taken half an hour.


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Everythings all so PC now isnt it!?

We used to knock neighbours doors to walk their dog, now a days i dont think kids do that! Probs get sued or something if the dog ran away LOL.

I had a wee job from aged 12 onwards!!

My young cousins dont do anything for their pocket money :0/

You are right xx
Scouts used to have 'bob a job' week where they knocked on doors and asked for a job to earn a shilling.

It seems amazing these days that kids were encouraged to knock on strangers' doors.
So true hc. When I was moving none of the kids wanted to earn a few quid helping to load the skip or tidy the garden. I would have jumped at the chance but then my parents didn`t dish out money on request as many seem to do now.
Should they not be up chimneys at that age - or are they all too circumferentially challenged these days?
The student Alba and college pal made up and distributed leaflets to try to earn income over their holidays.
Quite busy they were, ranged from carpet shampooing, lawn-mowing, cleaning and painting.
whatevr happened to the scouts "Bob a Job week" ?
kids get money too easily, teengers in care get £15 a week !
dee, wouldn't those children rather not be in care, but in loving homes. Perhaps it's a case of give them money than care and love, not sure.
Not all kids are like that. My youngest (12) can't wait until he is old enough to get a weekend job. He earns his pocket money and volunteers to do extra jobs for free, such as mowing the lawn. He also helps an elderly neighbour out and the only payment he will take is a biscuit or a packet of crisps
My son and most of his friends have jobs.
Gawd, how times of changed mrs o, a biscuit or a packet of crisps. In my my day I had to be happy with a clip around the ear.
When I was a kid we would go around snow shifting in the winter months.

But now not even the adults will shift their snow.
There are one or two youngsters with paper rounds here. In the Lakes there are always part time jobs for young'uns in the tourist industry.
We worked on fruit farms during the summer school holidays.
I can still remember the scratches from the gooseberry bushes and the sunburn, aching legs and sore back from pulling strawberries. When we were older, we worked in a fruit canning factory; everything was a great adventure then, and we wanted the summer to go on forever.
I worked as a delivery boy for a local chemists delivering medicines to the old and infirm. Imagine doing it now. They'd have a high old time.
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the eldest god-daughter does baby-sitting to earn cash
the younger one does a paper round
I employed my godson and his friend to empty my attic so I could sort it. They both have jobs as well as being in uni and I had to just about threaten them to take any money for the job.
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My neighbour's 16 year old daughter does a paper round. Her mum drives her round to do it.
I find the young people working part time in the supermarket to be very cheery and helpful, on the whole, but I'm still baffled as to why none of the school children will do odd jobs for cash.
My sons would bite your hand off if you offered them a job.

Maybe some parents give their kids too much pocket money.

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Children earning pocket money

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