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Bank Holiday washout

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Caran | 23:09 Mon 27th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
We went to Hereford market, we were late and most people were packing up so went and spent a fortune in B & M and in Asda. Rained all day and still raining now. Should know better than to go out on a Bank Holiday.


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Could be worse, you could live here!
B & M is good isn't it? especially for big bags of dog food
Put the washing on the line at 7.30- it was fine., Still dry at 10.00 when we visited a relative. Then poured down non stop from around 10.30 until 7pm- it was too wet even to go out to bring the washing in.
B&M has taken over the old Woolworths store in our market town, everyone seems to go there on Saturdays and holidays. I went for a bottle of vinegar and ended up spending quite a lot more on bits I'd picked up on the way round. It's rained all day here too.
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I usually go to Abergavenny's B & M and it is amazing how much I can find that I didn't know I needed. I always end up with loads of sauces, oils, mustards, marinades and the rest. I struggle sometimes to find room in my cupboards for everything. Today I even started Christmas shopping for the Advent Calendar I do.

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Bank Holiday washout

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