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I think I am going cross eyed

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Dee Sa | 18:24 Mon 27th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I was out on Sat and again on Sunday so have got really behind with my beloved crosswords, so have completed seven today to catch up so to speak, then I saw that we had won £100 on the Express skeleton yesterday but as I havent won for about 18 months it just about covers the postage.
Cant do anymore I've got steak and jackets to cook for dinner,plus runner beans from our garden and fresh spinach from someone elses garden.
Enjoy the last of your bank holiday folks.


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Congratulations! £100 would buy a lot of stamps.
7 crosswords, would be comatose by then. One is bad enough.
Well done for winning
Well done. £100 is better than pens and dictionaries!
Well done Dee Sa, I used to send the crosswords in every week until I gave up, thinking it must be a con.

I've just caught up and finished four of mine this evening.
welll done!have a nice day now
Well done Dee, I am just the same as you, I do all the mail and express crosswords and if we are out it knackers me up, still have to cram them all in, I post at least 4 from Sunday.
All this talk of being cross-eyed reminded me of Clarence the cross-eyed lion
from Daktari!
Well done you! Loved the comment "as I haven't won for about 18 months". Have been doing the Express and the Mail for over thirty years and have not won a bean.
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Bakers Dozen your turn will come trust me I am a witch.

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I think I am going cross eyed

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