Don't know off-hand about that one but on a world globalization / economic thing type of point did you know that according to Starbucks that Scotland is a city? Check out their range of city mugs and they have one of Scotland..........bu&&ers!
minus 2 stars for a totally irrelevant first answer sft42 - i coulda got into the great unanswered questions gallery with this one ;-( any real answers please.
Most places in the world can now receive television broadcasts with the advent of satellite dishes. Monrovia has had no TV for 10 years because it has no electricity. Liechtenstein, in common with many other countries, has no TV station of it's own. Malawi has only had TV since 1999. The Democratic Republic of Guinea-Bissau has no TV. There are many small areas that you can visit to avoid TV; for example, KwaZulu Natal, The Maldives, Benguerra, Comoros & Mayotte, Kiribati etc.
"Bhutan legalized TV in 1999 -- the last country in the world to do so" ( see
). It should come as no surprise that crime is markedly up and society noticably the worse for its introuction.