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Cats messing in your garden.

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petesgrayz | 12:28 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | Home & Garden
18 Answers
How do you stops cats fouling the lawn.


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Shoot them !
Same problem here, drives us both mad.
My neighbours dog seems to be successful with their cat free lawn.
mohtballs do the trick, kept them away from my garden for months. you can buy them from wilko's very cheap in laundry section. just scatter around your borders or in soil but make sure no childen pick them up. hope this helps
sorry meant mothballs lol
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I agree with piglett with the mothballs
Unfortunately most shops aren't allowed to sell mothballs now, but there are some sellers on ebay
Orange peel cut up and sprinkled all around.
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Well said markasus. Even with a patrolling terrier we cannot keep the wrens safe, nor the bank voles in the rockery. Though I deprecate cruelty to cats or any other animal!
Buy lots of attack dogs or pour your own human urine around your garden. That would be your way of marking your territory.
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Cats messing in your garden.

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