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Just for fun Pt II......

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ELVIS68 | 00:38 Thu 30th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Your favourite Olympian and what they do followed by.....In my pants

Daley Thompson does the heptathlon, in my pants


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Kris Akabusi [forgot what he did] in my pants!
You didn't enjoy it then, Cupid?
Tom Daley dives ... in my pants. Oh dear, I think I'd better go to bed !
Question Author
Tessa Sanderson threw a javelin in my pants
Has Daley Thompson dropped three events because of his age?
Question Author
He dropped his Decs... In my pants!
Rebecca Addlington swam 100 metres in my pants
Sergei Bubka did the pole vault in my pants (if you know what i mean)
Chris Hoy does a 1km time trial my pants.

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Just for fun Pt II......

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