Just a general question. If when the time I do have to go into a "home" can the powers that be sell my house or what is the set up. TIA. Nobody else lives in the house.
I hope that day is a long, long, way off yet, Connemmara. Different rules for different areas. Age Concern, Belfast, might be able to tell you what happens here.
Thanks Sandy - I did go to Age Concern re car insurance and they were most unhelpful so I would be reluctant to go there.
At present I don't know who I could make a power of attorney - could I use a friend or if it was in the hands of a solicitor could he be forced to sell the property and again give the money to the powers that be from the "home".
If you had to sell the house to pay for care the money would be in your bank account and fees would be paid monthly. You're allowed 23k in the bank before you have to pay fees.
My aunt has power of attorney over my grandparents financial affairs. I think you can appoint anyone you trust.
Rules may be different in NI, but in England the house would have to be sold to pay your carehome costs. If you don't have an attorney appointed the council would have to take out a court order for the sale of the house or put a charge against the house for when it is sold.
If that time ever comes for me I'm hoping that my pensions, along with rent from renting my home out will cover the nursing home fees, then when I kick my clogs the daughter will still get the house.
There was a story of two elderly sisters - one worked all her life and accumulated some savings - the other never worked and had no savings - the two of them ended up in the same home - one who worked had to pay - the other didn't pay. Is it worth anybody's while to work hard only to give back to the government.