ChatterBank4 mins ago
'Devices with toothed racks'
3 Answers
Please could you tell me the answer to 17 down, 'devices with toothed racks'? Many thanks.
You Mag
17d Ratchets
Hi Felicia-Jane & welcome to AB!
It's always best to include the number of letters & any you've placed, so that people without the puzzle can more readily help you - the following links should be useful :-))
http://w ww.theanswer b...r-crossw ord-question /
http://w ww.theanswer b...d-puzzle s-guidelines /
17d Ratchets
It's always best to include the number of letters & any you've placed, so that people without the puzzle can more readily help you - the following links should be useful :-))
14:29 Sun 02nd Sep 2012
You Mag
17d Ratchets
Hi Felicia-Jane & welcome to AB!
It's always best to include the number of letters & any you've placed, so that people without the puzzle can more readily help you - the following links should be useful :-))
http:// www.the answerb ...r-cr ossword -questi on/
http:// www.the answerb ...d-pu zzles-g uidelin es/
17d Ratchets
Hi Felicia-Jane & welcome to AB!
It's always best to include the number of letters & any you've placed, so that people without the puzzle can more readily help you - the following links should be useful :-))