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Dog Food?

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joggerjayne | 12:22 Tue 04th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I'm having a tin of M&S beef curry for lunch. I know, I know ... I'm sorry.

Anyway, I think the labels on the cah got mixed up with some dog food.

It's just like being back at Uni, LOL


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Nah for it to be uni, you have to eat it cold out of the Tin with aside of last nights chips
Having first opened it with a knife bashed down round the top of it as you've no tin opener.
I'm tackier than you Jayne I had a can of Aldi curry last night- which with some cream, cardoman and corriander added was actually almost nice ;-)
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True. I'm being way more classy. I've got some slices of dry bread. And a pint of Ribena.

Nigella, eat your heart out, honey.
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NOX ... that counts as COOKING !
Spag bol for three years....was my diet.....Aldi didn't exist so no such treat for my gang. He he!
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I did actually eat quite well at Uni ...

Back in the good old days when I was a fit netballer instead of a middle aged couch potato, LOL
Thanks JJ - just put me off my weightwatchers (cat sick lookalike) chicken curry. Oh well, chippy for me then lol
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Get the special WeightWatchers chips, and diet mushy peas.
M&S beef curry? You must live in the lap of luxury, JJ. Some of us on here only go to ordinary supermarkets as that is all we can afford.
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I dont buy much from M&S.

I'm not old enough, LOL.

I'm not even sure when I bought that curry. I sometimes find odd things like that when I'm rooting around looking for something for lunch.

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Dog Food?

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