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Egypt's sexual harassment of women 'epidemic'

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joko | 21:48 Mon 03rd Sep 2012 | Society & Culture
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Over and over and over again we do it rejoice when a secular govt we don't like is toppled to be replaced by a fundamental religious one and then wonder what's up with the medieval harassment of minority groups and women. As birdie said whoulddathunkit?
I agree Birdie. Frying pan ... fire... and not entirely unexpected. Some freedom!
It's the old "the girls were asking for it" theory in that article. Shocking.
Islam is a filthy scourge, makes me feel sick!!!!
The mistake is to think this is specifically to do with Islam

Similar problems in India where it's called "Eve teasing"
It's not Islam, it's the culture, there is nothing in Islam about groping women.
It's a culture that says women are lesser mortals - and unfortunately Islam, among others, embraces that culture.
The attitudes to women as represented by the article is pretty disturbing, and it would certainly seem that women have been disproportionately affected by the revolution last year - women were in the vanguard of the revolution, but do not seem to have benefited from it at all.

However disturbing the lot of women appears to be from the stories in the articles, they still are no argument for supporting Mubaraks corrupt, brutal regime.If you believe in democracy, then you accept that each nation, each culture, has its own right to self- determination, regardless of how distasteful those of a secular persuasion might find it.

All one can do is to try and encourage change for the better, to foster nascent ideas of fairness and equality, and encourage governments to recognise such ideas.Religion unfortunately acts as an anchor to such change - and one can only hope there that younger generations broadly become more tolerant, more open and more willing to reject the stone age strictures and fundamentalism associated with it.....
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Of course it is to do with Islam. The Quran literally and unambiguously attributes a value to a woman as only half that of a man.

Like any system that arbitrarily designates an underclass the inevitable consequence is discrimination against that underclass.

Exactly the same thing happened under Christianity and has only abated where people no longer take those particular tenets of their faith so seriously. In the face sexual equality it can't really survive. Those sections are just quitely pushed into obscurity like the other parts of the "holy books" that can no longer be tolerated such as stoning childrento death for disobedience.

However religion didn't go quietly on the sexual equality issue and was certainly not part of the change in the western world. It was secular government that insisted. Most churches still exhibit the same bigotry towards women to this day.

While religion maintains control of a society there will be no change to the attitudes towards women. The more theocratic a society becomes the further it will descend into primitive misogynist attitudes because that is exactly what is written in their stupid books by their mentally ill "prophets".

Part of the problem with religion is the designation of some people with a status that implies their thoughts are more guided by God than others. These people only get this respect by adherence to the dogma of their church so their thoughts comply with that dogma.

So it is hardly surprising we see immams and bishops with very bad attitudes to women. Many of them actually teach that everything is the fault of the women (it says it in their books). It is what bigotted sexist men what to hear and they behave accordingly.
A good example of the 'law of unintended consequences' operating.
It is strange how muslims seem to forget the teachnigs of their religion when it suits their need for any form of self gratifiction.
Islam’s whole attitude towards women is questionable – and that’s putting it mildly. Women are considered less than men in more ways than one. For example, in a court of law, two women witnesses are required where one man would do, and whilst women are deemed fit to teach children, they are considered incapable of teaching adults. Woman is first a possession of her father, and then a possession of her husband. She is man’s possession to do with as he will, and until that attitude changes, there can be no justice. Islam claims it respects women – but it doesn’t.
Like all Abrahamic faiths, Islam claims it respects women. But that respect is conditional on women conforming to a narrow definition allowed them by the misogynist nutcases (aka prophets) who wrote the dogma.

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