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Bl**dy adverts!!

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Caran | 23:29 Fri 07th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
What can I do to stop these adverts on this site talking to me. There is no way to remove them, there is a pause button but that only lasts for a short time.
It's doing it again grrrrrrrrr. Help please.


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At the bottom of your screen there are a number of little icons one is a picture of a speaker. Click on this and you should be able to "mute" the sound. Repeat to turn the sound back on.

Sorry if you new this already
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Sorry Aynhoe 32, I had already installed Jeza's suggestion, I should have responded I apologise.
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Mass do not see one of those, you mean on the very bottom blue bar?
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Yes Caran, although different laptops may be different, mine is right at the bottom edge of the screen, over to the right, it's the same on my desk top upstairs.Completely different set up so I assumed it was the same for all.

Click the icon with the arrow pointing at it and it will mute your sound.

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Bl**dy adverts!!

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