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I know AB isn't exactly another Facebook but if it ever comes to be floated on the stock market...

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sandyRoe | 11:23 Sat 08th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
...will we, the regulars, get preferential treatment if we want to buy shares?


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Bloody hell, that keeps happening on this desktop :0/

I hope not, Facebook shares plunged off a cliff.
I don't know whether they have recovered yet.
Facebook, went public at $38, now at $19. Perhaps any preferential treatment should have been advice not to buy the shares.
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I'll leave my savings under the mattress, then. Seems like the safest place for them.
Not now Sandy. ;-)
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I'll take all those bags of 1 and 2p's down to the Post Office. They were making it very uncomfortable
I hope so - I'll be well minted!!!!

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I know AB isn't exactly another Facebook but if it ever comes to be floated on the stock market...

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