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Burberry share price drops...

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sandyRoe | 13:45 Tue 11th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Could the fact that this up market brand is now a firm favourite with chavs have anything to do with this fall?


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That is probably part of the problem, the other part/s being related to the fact people have less money to spend on 'upmarket brands' these days.
I don't think it's still a chav favourite?

Some of the suits are very nice.
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Too rich for my blood. I get my togs from M+S
I love my Burberry handbags...............they're not in the least chavvy.
The long term fall until it hit a year-low in July could well be that, but why the subsequent slow recovery should be so rapidly undone today must have a more solid reason I would have thought - such as today's release of second quarter profits warning.
It's only the check that's chav. I have a Burberry rain coat and the only check it has is on the inside so can't be seen.
I've just started wearing the burberry weekend perfume. It smells really nice on my friend but I'm still not sure about on me, it might become a 'going to work' perfume.
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They do a scent for sasquatch ladies? Casting their nets wide there. :-)
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I think the nail in the coffin was Daniella Westbrook in Burberry coat with Burberry pram.

The neds still love Burberry and the check is a fashion statement - it says "I am a d1ck".
Girl wooki.... I think I should get a ribbon too.
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Forgive me, China Doll. I've led a sheltered life and haven't met many wookies and even less sasquatch.
Talking of shares, I wonder if , em took my advice?
Barclays are up 25% from when I told her to buy, buy, buy.


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