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Just so that everyone knows

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Mortartube | 16:00 Tue 11th Sep 2012 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
Fireworks will be on general sale in the UK in about 6 weeks time. That is time for all pet owners to get tablets to sedate their animals.

Some pet owners seem surprised that fireworks go off from late October until early November.

Well now you have all been warned well in advance you have plenty of time to prepare for the eventuality as far as your pets are concerned. Thank you!


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Thanks. My pets are not bothered by them.
And thank you ...
Strangely my two moggies actually like sitting watching the fireworks - they are mesmerised by the lights and not at all bothered by the bangs.

It is amazing that anyone can afford to buy fireworks - they cost a fortune.
I am never surprised. Around here we get fireworks somewhere about once a month right through the year. Its a total pain and I would like to go out there with a grenade launcher and terrify them for a change.
Apart from medication or preparations to help the dog overcome its fears, don't forget to ensure your dog is identified by microchip or tattoo in case the worse happens and it gets frightened and runs off. I would also suggest checking your collar and tag just in case.
Thanks, I appreciate the sentiment, but when you have one dog who's terrified of even the sight of a hot air balloon in the sky half a mile away, another who bolts at the slightest rumbling/aircraft noise, and two moggies scared of their own shadows, you're prepared for anything!

Good post, though, for the unwary - there's always a few!
Good time to stock up on the feliway and doggy pheremones (DAP?). Although it seems like Kerosene would facing an expensive time trying to calm his bunch down.
Here in northern Ireland fireworks are licensed

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