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Youv'e got to feel some sympathy

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Bazile | 14:43 Thu 13th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
What a problem to carry around with you , eh .



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Cristian's just got ordinary moobs, hasn't he?

But Annie and Wesley must have to spend a lot on wheelbarrows.
I find it amusing how programme makers try to justify what is basically voyeuristic car crash TV with sentiments such as;

'set to expose just how varied human sexuality is'

'It lets us know there is diversity in the way we are built and the things we want and how we function'
'People have different ways of gratifying themselves and enriching their lives. Having tolerance for diversity is a good thing'
The guy with the huge ballbag needs a wheelbarrow to carry 'em round in a la Buster Gonad
The bloke with the incredibly large scrotum reminded me of the South Park episode where the men microwave their testicles so they can get prescriptions for cannabis.
^^ maybe an ex-pat geordie???

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Youv'e got to feel some sympathy

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