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I'd donate a £1 to help fund the litigation against that French Closer.

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dotty. | 18:02 Fri 14th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
As a gesture of support, yes they can afford to take the publisher to the cleaners, but that's not the point.


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it's a Berlusconi publication. I should be quite happy to clean his clock
count me in too.
oh my goodness, had to blink then jno, I was sure the L was missing in your last word!

And they're not having a quid off me, that'd buy me a pack of Jaffa Cake bars at work.
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out of sate ones B00 lol
Question Author lol
Nu huh, on offer at the moment, a packet of 5 for a quid. I bought some earlier, but they've now gone away, im sad :-(
you don't sate B00 easily, dotty... tut, she needs her specs cleaned, though, not to mention her saucy mind
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well i've had apacket of chorley cakes already this week and so that's my limit.
Just listened to that french photographer and his reason for there being no reason to publish the pictures was that. 'she's a young woman, she's not fat, she's love;y'
well that's ok then, what a pr1ck
to be fair, if I had a lovely figure and was young again, i'd get my norks out too, expect id want paying for it.

And no, before you get all arsy, im not saying she deserved it :P
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What if they took a picture of you running naked round your garden, without your permission and published them in the local paper though eh? You'd not see a penny for your efforts!
It's just in the news that William and Kate have taken legal action........
good news that they are taking a stand!

i can't bear the thought of what they are going through, after diana's experience ...
in honesty i am glad they have
"i'd get my norks out too, expect id want paying for it."

<goes to check penny pot>
quick quick - B00's rolling around on the floor with Norma Snorks again ...

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I'd donate a £1 to help fund the litigation against that French Closer.

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