Had a large conifer tree chopped down and now want to replant around the stump. The soil is very dry and has many small roots. I have some topsoil that I can mix in,but do I need to treat the area with any fertilizers or feed?
it all depends what you want to plant, if its something like a camellias, azaleas or a rhododendron then you would need an ericaceous compost otherwise i would use some soil conditioner or something like a loam based compost like a multi-purpose with added John Innes, i would add a small amound of feed with the soil as you add it.
Just an idea but you could raide the soil level around the stump with an edging mmaybe some of the logs i you still have them back filling with soil or compost to suit what you want to grow.. I'd get some bulbs in at the same time Generally though it would be a good idea to dig round the stump sevring as many roots as toy can and add something like fish blood and bonemeal as the rotting roots will take a fair bit of nitrogen from the soil. Its cheap and effective. Another nice idea is to drill/chisel out a hole in the top of the stump and plant something like a small leaved ivy to trail down