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eBay help please.

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windywillow | 10:39 Mon 17th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Don't know what category this should be in, so apologies for putting it in CB.

I've sold 3 magazines on eBay, listed as selling to UK only. Someone in Canada has bought all 3. I haven't checked on the postage rates to Canada but I know they will be much higher than in the UK.

Please can anyone advise me what I should do?


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Contact the buyer via the email, explain what thay have done. Can be contacted via their username.
Personally I'd just notify them how much it will be to ship to Canada and invoice them normally with the amended postage. It's just as simple to post anywhere in the world as it is to ship to the UK, especially small things like magazines.
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Thanks very much for replies.

Nox, the cheapest rate I can find on the RM website is £4.86 per magazine, and that is surface mail, but the magazine only cost £4.20 to buy new. I don't think the buyer would be willing to pay the postage costs. It wouldn't make sense for him to end up paying more (and waiting ages) than it would cost him to go out and buy it. :o(

Should I just email him and tell him I will have to cancel the sale?
''I don't think the buyer would be willing to pay the postage costs''

Until you give the buyer the revised postage costs you won't know. Maybe the buyer cannot get the mags where they are.
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Thanks Snags. The magazine is available to buy in Canada. I've just had a look at their website and the issues I am selling can be bought for £2.95 each (I paid the cover price of £4.20).

Even if he was willing to pay such high postage, I wouldn't feel comfortable about it. Do you know how I stand with eBay if I cancel the sale?
You really should give the buyer the option!
I have sold to the US and Canada before and the buyers have always been willing to pay the raised postage costs, especially if the items are not freely available where they live.

Lisa x
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Thanks Lisa. I've thought about posting abroad but for the low value of the stuff that I sell, I don't feel it's worth it, or that I'd get any interest (I do eBay as a hobby and sell at around 99p mostly). I just about break even on the costs. Keep thinking that I probably should get myself another hobby and knock eBay on the head.

I've emailed this particular buyer and asked what he wants to do. Delivery is quoted as between 1 and 3 months for surface mail. Don't think he'll want to wait that long, but we'll see. I'll post and let you know the outcome.

Thanks again for replies all.
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Problem solved. Buyer has just emailed me, he wants them sending to an address in the UK.

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Do you know the answer?

eBay help please.

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