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Off out for lunch,

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dotty. | 09:14 Mon 17th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
rare event for me to 'do lunch', 2 old school friends calling and we're going up Rivi, good weather here so far and we might open a bottle of something and picnic in Liverpool Castle.


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good morning dotty.

enjoy yourself, hope the weather favoures you.
Hey, fab, dotty.

Have a great time.
Have a great time, think of me serving the great (?!) British public at work :-(
it's 9.21?
I know jno ;)


I don't start til 10.30
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they're picking me up at 10.30 and we're heading up Rivi and looking round the Bottom Barn at the art and them perhaps doing the Ape trail if it's not too muddy. Work up an appetite and a thirst as we'll be nattering none stop!
Bottom Barn???? Have a good day Dotty. x
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yes I think the Top Barn shuts on a Monday cos it does big business Sundays with the antique fair and the restaurant.
You said the above about an hour and a half ago, dotty, but I think you're still around this forum rabbitting away 10 to the dozen?

Better hurry up - your lunch'll be getting cold soon!
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Nope I went out about 11.30 and we ended up after the visit to the Bottom Barn driving back to Botany Bay for lunch and then a mooch round the stands, quite interesting, their Chistmas Shop is very good this year.
i love rivi barns and the castle i grew up round there and remember having a great time |!! there used to be lots of bikes at upper barn every sunday. i am looking to move back as i miss it so much !!!
So good lunch, then?

Rah for the Old Girls' network.

Hope you've pencilled in the next date, dotty!
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Lozzer the bikes still gather at the Top Barn every Sunday! it's bedlam. Oh and they've knocked The Squirrel down btw!
good evening dotty.

i trust all went well at your lunch with your friends .. and that you had a good day.
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yes thanks, it was very different for me to go out for lunch like that, it's not something i really do these days, but it was good to catch up and put the world to rights!
//it's not something i really do these days//

Well, it is now !!

Keep it up, dotty.

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Off out for lunch,

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