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TWR | 19:01 Wed 12th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Do you think that F.B. Site should be monitored to protect the young?


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How young?

I think the minimum age to join is 13.
I'm not sure really. To a certain extent it is isn't it? People can and do report things they consider inappropriate. As for the young? I felt that was my responsibility as a parent and took necessary precautions.
we should be protected from all those hopelessly sentimental and contrived daft sayings that people insist on passing on, it's annoying, unless it's a garth quote i'm not interested, the cat pics are very good though
Monitored by whom?
Yes. By their parents.

FB is really not that scary a site, I've just used it to upload some photos for family that live miles away (in one case on the other side of the world), so that no matter where they are, they can still be bored witless by my holiday snaps. Like anything that's a tool, it depends on how you use it, FB is a great communication tool.
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The site is used by Pedos & that has been proved, that lad that got knifed last week through a party invite on F.B. the site is used by the young to commit Suicide., I think F.B. has a duty to monitor the site better than the do, with the money that its worth, or am I again wrong?
i think you are wrong TWR children should be monitored by their parents
you have to be 13 to use it
If you are 13 and using it and your parents are not monitoring you on it, or any other web site, then well what can you do?
"The site is used by Pedos"

As are many others
sites I mean
they used to claim that photos of kids' underwear in M&S catalogues were used by paedophiles. Now it's Facebook, is it?
How do you know there are no paedophiles using this site? They don't tend to advertise themselves.
The average parent relies on a 13 year old to tune the TV, fix the broadband and programme the microwave - how the hell are they going to monitor their fbokking.

But no - fbook has been demonised for no reason other than that elderly, non-technologically competent, publicity seeking MPs have heard of it - censor/moderate/monitor it and da yoof will simply pack its bags and go someplace else that the wrinklies haven't heard of yet ...
If you consider that FB actually allow a page specifically made for jokes about dead babies as it doesn't 'break their rules', then you have to think all things are possible on there
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down to parents !!..I would never allow under 16's to have computers in bedroom...nor access via phone...

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